承上篇曼谷hostel 介紹,我先繼續寫那 7 天裡,頭2個晚上逗留的Pattaya。 一個女仔去Pattya好危險嫁!!!! 當我訂哂酒店以後, 有3位朋友 ( 分別是泰國朋友,澳泰混血朋友和正值在Pattaya 渡假的朋友) 都有著同一個反應 " I don't recommend a girl go alone." 其中澳泰混血兒是這樣說的 Pattaya is famous for old western men going there to find Asian women.They think all Asian girls are prostitutes. Honestly the danger is with the tourists.Local are safe. During the day is pretty quiet. It's nice to visit nice beaches. Lots of boat services that take you to different islands. Night time the streets are so crowded. It is night club atmosphere every night.: Have to worry more about tourists at night.Drunk. Not off all them obviously. 我現在都會答你:係呀! I don't recommend a girl go alone. 不過只要你表現到你真是好tourist. 專注在吃方向,不要和陌生男人任何眼神接觸,不要和他們微笑,總之不要做任何trying to be nice 的表情。基本上是不會有問題的。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 選擇到這地方原因其實很簡單,因為我想曬太陽。曬得黑黝黝點,看上去很健康的那種。但是我不得不承認我真是很白痴,對Pattaya 的印象還是停留在十年前跟團的時候。 去到Pattaya 無論是ib...