Iced Baileys Chocolate │凍百利朱古力

My guilty pleasure drink! :) It is super easy to make.
加埋cream 仲guilty haha

Iced Baileys Chocolate │凍百利朱古力

材料 Ingredients:
可可粉/唂咕粉  Cocoa Powder    2 - 3  tsp
煉奶  Condensed Milk                  1 1/3 tsp
熱水 Hot Water                             100ml
鮮奶  Milk                                     125ml
百利甜酒 Baileys                          15ml
冰粒    Iced Cubes

做法 How to:
1. 將煉奶倒入可可粉的杯中, 加入熱水攪至溶掉
    Combine condensed milk and cocoa powder. Add hot water and mix well until the ingredients are
    well dissolved.

2. 將適量的冰粒放入杯中
    Add  ice cubes into the glass

3. 把鮮奶倒入杯中, 再加入朱古力漿。攪一攪
    Pour the milk into the glass and add the Cocoa mixture. Stir

4. 倒入百利甜酒, 攪勻
    Add some Baileys, stir. Done!

  You can change the qty of ingredients based on your flavor
  Condensed milk can be replaced by sugar
  Please do add some coffee liqueur if you have it at home!



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