Apple Rose Tarts │ 玫瑰蘋果撻

話說原來 save 左呢個食譜都好一些時間, 前幾日打返開黎睇, 原來一 d 都唔難整, 而且又好睇, 好又食!

雖然係簡單, 但我都參考左好多中西食。因為好多都就咁整軟d 蘋果片, 然後搽果醬, 捲埋就焗, 但我希望個味道豐富d, 加埋我醃左少少冧酒提子, 覺得呢個食譜係會最match。
原食譜用無鹽牛油煮糖, 但我改左用有鹽牛油, 所以有陣幽幽的海鹽焦糖味。

材料 Ingredients :
中型蘋果  Medium-sized Apple          1- 2 pc
有鹽牛油  Salted Butter                       40g
糖  Sugar                                               40g
玉桂粉  Ground Cinnamon                  1/4tsp
冧酒提子 Rum Raisins                        15g
檸檬  Lemon                                        1/4 pc

急凍酥皮  Puff Pastry                         1 pc
玉桂糖  Cinnamon Sugar
(玉桂 Ground Cinnamon  1/4 tsp +  糖 Sugar 2 tsp)
已溶牛油   Melted butter               

做法 How to:

1. 預熱焗爐  180C  20分鐘
Preheat oven at 180C about 20 mins.

2. 蘋果切開一半, 去頭尾, 去芯, 然後切成片。
Cut the apple in half, core the two halves then slice each half thinly but not to thin.

3. 煮溶牛油, 加入糖和肉桂粉。以小火加熱至完全溶解。
(途中避經常用工具攪拌, 以免糖容易結晶)
Put the sugar and ground cinnamon into the pan after the butter melted.  Turn to small heat until the sugar has melted ( Don't stir a lot)

4. 放入蘋果, 煮至微軟, 加入冧酒提子和檸檬汁, 攪拌一下。放一邊備用。
When the sugar has melted, add the apple slices , rum raisin and lemon juice. Let the apple slices cook until they are just soft.

5. 把適量麵粉撒上工作台, 以免在擀麵團途中會黏著。放上已解凍的酥皮,
擀成(長) 24cm x (闊)26 cm, (厚)約 2mm, 切成6份。 ( 因應你的模具大小, 決定切成多少份。)
Lightly flour the table. Place puff pastry on the table and slice it into 6 equal strips (4cm x 26cm).
(The size actually depends on your muffin tin)

6. 把肉桂糖撒上酥皮上。在酥皮上方鋪上蘋果片, 一片接一片, 每片約1/3互相重疊。
Put the cinnamon sugar on the pastry. Line apple slices on the upper half of each strip of pastry, overlap the apple slices when lining them on the strip of pastry.

7. 將酥皮下半部份摺上,然後捲起, 即可看見玫瑰形狀。
Fold up the bottom half and roll. A rose shape is formed.

8. 把已溶牛油塗在鬆餅烤盤上, 再放入蘋果撻, 180C 焗30-40 分鐘。
(不同焗爐, 熱力可能有所不同。)
Place some melted butter into the muffin tin and put the apple roses into the tin. Bake at 180C about 30 - 40 mins.

9. 灑上糖粉, 完成!
Sprinkle with icing sugar and enjoy!

- 如果想加強酒味, 可以嘗試加入15ml - 30ml 冧酒在煮蘋果部份
If you want more alcoholic flavor, you can try adding 15ml -30ml rum while cooking apple.
- 蘋果不宜切太厚或太薄;因為都會導致捲起來不好看
Don't slice the apple too thick or thin. It will make you difficult to roll
- 切記不要去掉蘋果皮, 沒有了紅色部分就不像玫瑰了!
Do not peel the apple. You get me!



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