可可糯米滋 │Cocoa Mochi

當回歸WFH 的日子, 又是研究食譜的懷抱。今次試做可可糯米滋, 話你知完全係不敗食譜呀!

切開一粒粒, 再沖杯咖啡完全係afternoon tea 的perfect match!

拍左條片, 3分鐘不敗教學!有興趣去睇下啦

材料 ingredients: 
糯米粉 Glutinous Flour 140g
可可粉 Cocoa Powder 10g

白糖 Sugar 50g

牛奶 Milk 240g

牛油 Butter 15g

可可粉 Cocoa Powder 適量 (灑在面)

做法 How To : 1. 把糯米粉, 白糖, 可可粉放入大碗中攪勻 Put glutinous flour, sugar, cocoa power into the bowl. Mix well. 2. 加入牛奶, 攪至沒有粒粒, 成幼滑粉漿 Add milk into the bowl. Stir until combined 3.蓋上保鮮紙,然後用牙籤拮幾下, 方便透氣 Cover the bowl with cling paper 4. 放入蒸爐25分鐘 Steam 25 mins 5. 拿出來後, 插入牙籤確定糯米糰已熟 Insert the toothpick to make sure the mochi dough is done 6.趁熱加入牛油, 攪拌均勻 Add the butter into the dough. Stir well 7.把保鮮紙放入模具, 倒入糯米糰, 把它壓平 Put the cling paper into the container, pour the dough in and flatten it 8. 放入雪櫃1小時 Put it to fridge for 1 hour 9. 取出後灑上可可粉, 切開成自己喜歡形狀便成 Sparkle with cocoa powder. Cut it in your favourite shape. Done!



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